#Lockdownpilgrimagechallenge - Day 4

Today's pilgrimage follows the same route as the Day 1, but this time with a different intention. The Morning Prayer readings today brought us in heart and mind to the Mount of Olives as described by St. Luke in Chapter 22. I was there in my mind's eye, seeing the drops of blood fall from my saviours brow as he prayed.  I was there in memory as well.
I remembered once having seen flowers at the Church of Dominus Flevit, overlooking the city of Jerusalem  (see another local pilgrimage here).  Beneath the olive trees, red anemones echoed those drops of blood Luke tells us about. After a passage of years, those anemones and that blood remain fresh and untarnished in my heart and mind.

The man told me to consider the flowers! I am still at it! 

I remembered later on the same day, we had visited the  church of St. Peter's,  Gallicantu. It commemoraes St. Peter's denial, another story in Luke Chapter 22 and Peter's imprisonment. The imprisonment Luke writes about the sequal to the gospel, the Acts of the Apostles.   

When I was there I  bought a set of stoles stitched with a Jerusalem Cross.  Today they serve as a constant reminder. A reminder I am a palmer, I have been to the Holy Land and I have stories to tell; and a reminder not to deny my Lord.

"I tell you, Peter," said Jesus, "the cock will not crow this  day, until you have denied three times that you know me". 

So, today I make the same journey as on Day 1,  to the church of St. Peter, Belaugh, but this time my focus is the newly restored cock on the weather vane.

To Peter I say :-  
"Dear Father in Christ, fisherman, rock on which the church is founded,  I expect you would be surprised to think you would be remembered on the banks of the River Bure. I too have denied our Lord, with you I weep bitterly, and I hope to follow you good example too."


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