4th Sunday of #Lockdown

Easter Sunday

Based on the experience of the previous 3 Sundays of #Lockdown our Easter observance was as follows.
1) I looked at social media and responded to some as I drank coffee
2) Got up showered and dressed

3) Margaret and I came down for Breakfast. It echoed John 21 - Children have you any fish? 
Richard decided to have fish for breakfast

The backdoor was open for this first time at breakfast this year. That and the garden beyond, seemed to echo an open tomb and garden.  
Over breakfast we listened to +G (the Bishop of Norwich ) on Radio Norfolk.

3) Shortly after, we gathered around a table again, joining  ++Justine and Mrs Welby gathered around their kitchen table.  Echoes here of that table at Emmaus. Archbishop Justine presided at Holy Communion broadcast far and wide via Facebook. 

Back in the 70's and 80's, I would never have thought it possible!  Yet there was Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin joining us to read the Gospel. A black woman bishop! Proof that God is still doing new things. How did I ever doubt him?! 

"And a little child shall lead them."  Another great stride forward! Theodore Levings, 10 years old, led the intercessions.

I am not sure what the Liturgical Police or the Canon Lawyers might say to learn this. I con-celebrated with the Archbishop. It seemed like Holy Communion to me, but I am quite happy to accept it was not valid, or something like that! I'll even accept that I might be heretica; and we'll have to see if I am ready to recant or be prepared to burn! 

In any case, it was sacramental, an outward and visible sign of something significant going on inside!  Even if it were not one of the sacraments of the Church.

Once that question has been settled, one might wonder if a layperson - having beside his electronic device bread and wine -  would have found those elements  consecrated as the Archbishop said the words of the Eucharistic prayer?  A further matter to debate would be needed around timing.  It was all happening approximately 1 hour after the service had been broadcast on Radio 4.

Plenty to ponder on, then!
Alleluia, Christ is risen
It will never be the same again, Alleluia 


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