#Lockdownpilgrimagechallenge Resumed - Day 5

With the first Holy Week and Easter Sunday in Lockdown lived through, I am back to exploring pilgrimage in the hour's exercise allowed. Still 'considering the flowers', we set out across the meadows towards Belaugh on a well trod path. 

Catching a patch of forget-me-nots and find myself remembering Noel Chambers, Organist. "I remember walking to Belaugh in the winter of 1947 to play for the evening service. The snow was so deep in drifts that it reached to my armpits!" To be fair, he was only little. He was a complicated man but faithful.

Along the way, marsh marigolds are beginning to show in the dykes.

At journey's end St. Peter's Conservation Churchyard is coming into its Spring glory.

The meadow saxifrage is beginning to show. 

I was brought back to remembering mode by another patch of forget-me-nots. Who knows the number of  the dead here buried in the Christian hope of resurrection life. Daring to speak out loud I gave them the Easter Greeting -
Alleluia, Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed. Alleluia

Find a Conservation Churchyard near you via the Norfolk Wildlife Trust
or Caring for God's Acre


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