6th Sunday of Lockdown

On Sunday 26th April we seemed to have hit our stride. The day has been Eucharistic. By which I mean full of thanksgiving.  An extended  time for giving "hearty thanks for all God's  goodness and loving-kindness to us and to all men". But also a day that had a time for all the different aspects of Eucharistic worship.

The Service of the Word - was provided by BBC Radio 4 at 8.10 a.m. (It was available after that on BBS Sounds)

I cannot find enough superlatives to describe the wisdom, beauty, sensitivity and deep playfulness of the broadcast. We were blessed by being part of it.

Going to Church - We went to church as per pre-lockdown Sundays, but on this occasion after the Service of the Word. Hoping onto our bikes, we rode the half-hour there, half hour back exercise hour to St. Peter's, Hoveton 

The ride gave an opportunity to consider the birds and flowers on the way, if only with half an ear and half an eye. Amid the song I heard Chifchaff and Blackcap but otherwise no summer migrants were identified. Some stretches of roadside verges held banks of sweet smelling Alexander; further on, Queen Anne's Lace lined the way; to be replaced by a milky way bank of Stitchwort. Pink Campeon, White and Red Nettle also registered. And as we approached St. Peter's Bluebells were increasingly common. They were in evidence in the churchyard too, alongside Forget-me-Nots. 

Forget me not, indeed! In this pastoral setting, where sheep graze in the park land beyond, a recently bereaved daughter tended the grave of her parent. All who rest in that hallowed ground, were buried with Christian hope. May they rest in peace and rise in glory!

And, when we got home again......
The Peace - was shared by phone contacting those self isolating on their own. Single people for whom the weekly service in normal times gives them the human contact they so value. The Peace was extended, probably covering coffee and biscuits after the service too!

The Offertory - Some serious discussions and decisions about the financial support of people and causes during lockdown. 

Supper - There was fish, bread and wine on the table and we remembered other times, other people and the promise of our Lord's presence to the end of the age.  Was it Communion ? Was it Holy? Was there a real presence? I think so.


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