A Candlemas Pilgrimage

 Turning left off the Hautbois Road 

A path leads past Golden Gates Pond. 

Ahead, the tower of  Great Hautbois Church is a silhouette glimpsed through winter trees.

Beneath the tower  - Snowdrops,  Candlemas Bells.  We've come to St. Mary's Church to ponder  the Feast of the Presentation.  Did Mary travel to Jerusalem's temple to offer her own her flesh and blood, her baby Jesus to  his Heavenly Father?  Or was it to bring God to his Temple? Whatever was going on she is at the heart of the mystery.

Simeon had it right.  The boy child is the light that enlightens the Gentiles but the 2 turtle doves were just a down-payment. More would be given.  
Candlemas - one last look back to Christmas before turning our faces towards Passiontide and Good Friday.  And a sword certainly pieced Mary's soul when she stood by the cross.  In real time, fast military jets manoeuvre overhead and a war torn world comes into sharp focus.  
"Where is God!"  We cry!  
On his cross! And there we will keep him until we come to our senses!

And Good Friday's not the end. Beyond Lent and Holy Week Easter waits ! And here is a  winter churchyard, even before Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, the first of our Wild Daffodils already trumpets resurrection.

Mystery upon mystery and at the heart of it all a young woman who dared to say Yes.
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.


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