Legend of the Rood - Open Letter

Dear Hugh , David and Cast,

WOW!  Yesterday's performance was ..... ? I can't find one word to describe it. Let me just use "BIG!"

OK! Of course, I was going to like it with contributions from Julian of Norwich, William Blake and Sydney Carter. I knew the story, the legend and the songs and many of the ideas - Church as Ark; manna, water in the wilderness, feeding 5000, the last supper and Holy Communion woven and  intertwined with each other across time and culture . What you did was to earth it in the NOW that was yesterday in the midst of the People of Ton. Thank you!
Holy Communion?!
And thanks to to those who arranged the weather! As we sang " and did the countenance divine shine forth upon our clouded hills," the hills were clouded!  It turned dark and  rained at the crucifixion!

I am pondering: At who's hand did I receive food and drink at the last supper? or was that the Feeding of the 5000? And Was that Holy Communion? I think so, well as much so as the Rich Tea biscuit fed to the animals in the ark!!

Whether you were portraying  history, or legend you actors opened windows of perception helping me grasp truths which I for which I have been digging for half a life time and more. Thank you!
Thanks to for those who have worked behind the scenes to make it possible. You have shown that in a Post World  we can recover something of our forgotten wisdom .
It is a mystery but I think it true that the Holy Rood continues to grow from the failures of the past to bring hope for the future. Thanks!


More pics........

Tickets for 1st 8th June


hunchermuncher said…
Thanks for your open letter Richard and it was great to see you at the show. We were certainly blessed with good weather - more shows on 1st and 8th June :) David

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