Sunday Service at Belaugh

 Walked over the meadows to take the 11 a.m. at Belaugh yesterday. The first of the Lady's Mantle were out and marsh marigolds in the dyke.

Wallflowers and Mexican fleablane were in flower in the churchyard wall and meadow saxifrage and bluebells were out around the graves.

We were 6 for Holy Communion. Considerably outnumbered by the angels, archangels and all the company of heaven.

We could usefully have a few more members to share the responsibility of keeping this holy place open, welcoming and prayed in.  Remembering  St. Peter at the close of the eucharistic prayer I also added SS John 23rd and John Paul.

Is it the responsibility of all Anglican churches dedicated to St. Peter to pray for and remember all those who have worn the fisherman's ring?


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